Ingleton Swimming Pool Events

Halloween Party and Cold Water Swim

Friday, 1st November

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Why not dress up!

Come and join us for our twilight swimming Halloween party evening.

Tickets £5 per swimmer.

Help raise fund for the pool and support the cake stall and raffle.

Book now online.

Jumble Sale

Saturday, 16th November

Ingleton Community Centre

From 2:00 pm

Come and join us to help raise money to keep the pool running.

Can you help with donations of jumble or for the tombola, raffle or cake stall? Please email.

Activities at Ingleton Swimming Pool

Cold Water Swimming

Sundays – 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

£5 entry fee

No need to book for these sessions.

Last entry 30 mins before closing.

Come and join us!

Future events and activities will be advertised on social media and put up on the website.